Thursday, 23 December 2010

Location Drawing - Huntarian Museum

I was going to include these images in the previous post, but there was a few of them so I thought I'd give them their own post.
All of the following images were drawing at the Huntarian Museum, London. It's an awesome museum filled with creepy and interesting things in jars and on display, such as bones, skulls, dead animals, human and animal foetuses, organs, etc etc. You get the picture.

 These first two were done on my first trip there. Unfortunately I only had barely an hour there so I only managed to get 3 or 4 pictures done. The first picture is a collection of the infant kangaroos at various stages of development that were on display. I was particularly interested in their feet and hands. The second is a quick blind drawing of a puppy foetus. There's a little information about the subjects noted on the images.

These 4 were done on my second trip there. I had more time to look around and focus on particular things this trip, and the majority of the images I did were successful compared to the first trip were they weren't so. The drawings are all labelled and described in the images themselves.

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